6 Things to Do to Feel Confident Going Wedding Dress Shopping

Okay ladies, we all know the idea of trying on wedding gowns is daunting. I mean how can I at least set myself up for a fun and proactive experience? I’ve got a few tips from what I’ve seen help brides through the years.


Feel beautiful

Wear your hair and makeup done- not over the top but to your liking. If you like your hair up, wear it up, if your straight hair makes you cringe, definitely curl it. Same goes for makeup, you don’t need to hire a makeup artist or anything extreme but I think the cliché phrase “when you look good, you feel good” comes into play here. I mean you can even get a spray tan if you must. I’ve seen that make a big difference in some girl’s confidence (mine included). It’s pretty common too. I think majority of brides I’ve worked with in the past 5 years are really visual, so if you’re able to help yourself in that, do! The main thing you don’t want to do is come trying on when you’ve just worked out, or you’re running errands. Set aside time when you can go into it relaxed. Personally, I wouldn’t want to try on when I’m on my period because I bloat BAD, but if you aren’t affected much then don’t worry about that one week of the month. Just try on when you know you will feel your best.

  Wear underwear

This may sound silly to some, but my fellow consultants know what I mean here. Please, I honestly don’t care if you don’t wear it on the day to day. Be respectful of the store’s gowns and the consultants. We do a lot/see a lot of crazy thing in the fitting room, and I get it we’re women, but it’s just one line that *doesn’t have to be crossed*. Consider wearing pasties or sticky bra’s as well. A lot of dresses are sheer or have low backs or strappy backs, so in order to best visual what it will look like you can wear something in preparation for that. Wearing a normal bra will hinder the look of the dress and be hard to visualize without. The bridal boutique should be able to provide you with some cups to put into the dresses or a fitted bra top. No need to go out and buy a $100 Victoria’s Secret matching set, you aren’t trying to wow us, all I ask is that you be respectful.

Eat prior to coming in

 Majority of brides skip this step because they want to be as skinny as possible when trying on… Well it’s a lot of hard work trying on wedding gowns and it’s emotionally and mentally exhausting, one of the best ways to prepare to shop is to fuel your body! Skipping one breakfast isn’t going to affect you a whole dress size! Even if you just eat something small like a banana and a coffee, you can plan to go to a celebratory lunch after your appointment where you’ll say “YES!”

Arrive early to your appointment

Don’t spend too much time doing your hair and makeup that you run late to your appointment. Most stores have a strict 1 hour or hour and a half time slots so showing up late can sabotage you by not allowing you a full experience and the time necessary to shop. Don’t sit in traffic stressing, if you’re already nervous going into it. Traffic won’t help you. Just call and give the boutique an update on how long you’re running late so they can either tell you how best they can accommodate you or tell you they’re pretty free that day and it’s not imperative you’re there at that time.

Don’t overbook yourself

If you’re doing a “bridal shopping bar crawl” as I like to call it with 10 friends and 4 appointments back to back. Cancel. It’s a miserable idea. You’ll thank me later. No but really! Just trying on at one store can be a lot, do 2 back to back if you feel you must! But a whole Saturday of dragging your bridesmaids around, trust me, it's exhausting. It will not be a productive shopping experience at all.

Focus on your heart, not your head

Remember this is an emotional purchase so be in tune with how you’re feeling in each dress rather than what you’re thinking is wrong with each dress. Don’t over analyze it, a lot of times it’s hard to put into words what you think of a dress because you may not know the bridal lingo, but that’s what your consultant is for! She is there to make it as easy and stress free as possible. Focus on that feeling you have in each gown. 

Overall just have fun! Try not to put too much pressure on the day and know that you will look beautiful in anything. If you surround yourself with loving, fun, and encouraging friends/family then you are guaranteed to have a successful day "yes" or not.


If you are planning to go wedding dress shopping in the near future, be sure and checkout my E-book on what you need to know before wedding dress shopping!


6 Things to Do After Saying "Yes" to the Dress


5 Things Every Bride NEEDS to Know Before Wedding Dress Shopping